Don't Stop Believin'

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Analogy of my "type"

Okay so i have been single now for what seems to me like forever so i was just thinking to myself maybe that all this doubt and self-conciousness about myself isnt what isnt making it happen, but rather its the type of guys i'm attracted to. Let me break down the type of guys that i initially take interest in, 1. They are overwhelmingly cocky and believe that noone in their right mind is better than them at anything. 2. They are really ridiculously good looking (most likely do to the fact that they love themselves more than anyone else) 3. They know exactly what to say. If it werent for that last one i could completely understand why everyone tells me i'm crazy for going for another generic frat boy *don't worry i use frat boy only as an expression, only a handful of the guys have actually been in college! :)* But there is something about the way that that boy can make you feel for one second like you are the only thing in the world that matters, then he will never call you again but for that one moment i feel that i am the princess of the Alpha Kappa Frappa(im sorry i dont know greek!)


At 10:21 AM, Blogger muffin? said...

This is true.
Very, very true.


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