Reality T.V.
So i may be wrong in assuming that everyone out in the inter-web shares my passion and almost utter obsession with Gilmore Girls, so if you are unfamiliar i will get you up to speed. Now the main characters on the show are a mother and daughter duo unlike no other. The young mother, Loralie, who had daughter Rori at age 16, has an inseparable bond with her only daughter. They are more like best friends. However in the world of reality this is not the case. Maybe it is because my mother and i have more than a 16 year age gap, or maybe it is that my mother is not done being Susie high school. So as the winter formal, valentine's day, sweetheart dance is nearing my mother has her game face on. She has been asking me which joey jock or Marty McPopular i am going to ask since before the new year. I procrastinated, because well its what i do best, until what i thought was a legit amount of time pre-dance...3 weeks! But no my date had already been snagged up. I suppose that is my dear friend karma again. Oh well se la ve! Not for barb! (my mother) WHAT?! Already asked?! well i told you this would happen...yada yada yada...guilt trip ect. Then barb proceeds to mention formal plans for the dance, how big the group is, places to eat, after party arrangements. I have zero answers for all of those questions which pushes barb into a frenzy. What do you mean you don't know your plans? If you are going to be sno-court queen you have to be in the best group the best party the best everything!!! Hold the phone...sno-court queen?! Who said anything about that? So apparently i am nothing if i am not the sno-court queen and my senior year as we know it is just worthless without that ridiculous tiara. When did it become her concern how i achieve my happiness. I struggle with many things in life and this pursuit of happiness is one of them, yet recently i have been more than content and even HAPPY with life. However that life is not one that barb finds suiting. I am not "that girl" who everyone adores and all the guys want to "get with" however i am me and i think that, even at the expense of disappointing my mother, is of utmost importance. Maybe Loralie and Rori's relationship is fiction for a reason, maybe that mother daughter bond doesn't exist, well at least not here's hoping!
Instead, you're "that girl"- you know, the happy one.
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