Before We Say Goodbye
As the threat of the rest of my life approaches (5 days and counting...) i realize that it may be time to come to terms with the last 18 years and address that the best is yet to come. The air is getting colder, the leaves are starting to change, and with all the preparations there's no denying the presence of fall. Last night i spent laughing and crying with one of my newest yet dearest friends the lovely katzenburger. We realized that since we could make this true real friendship work in only a few months and not want to rip each others faces off, that this was gonna last. Like really last. I am very anxious, nervous and sick to my stomach for the changes that are to come, luckily i have my friend katz who i know will always be there when i need a shoulder to cry on, someone to tell me i have food in my teeth or just someone to waste 4 hours with. I love you katz, don't ever change and know that no matter what i will always be right there with you in every step you take.
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