Seasons may change
It has often been believed that some people never change. Unfortunately, it is usually those people that we hope will change the most. There is this guy, and for the sake of complete confidentiality and to tease my gossip girl obsession lets call him Chuck. I have known Chuck now for several years and he has always remained the same arrogant asshole since the day we met. But it is that inappropriate cockiness that lures you to him, it is what makes Chuck, Chuck, unfortunately. And now that Chuck is getting older and starting to mature my naive nature had hoped that he would adapt into a more kind, honest version of himself. The type of person I had always seen him to be over the years. However it is to no avail. It is as though I have been defending this Chuck who doesn't even really exist all these years. Saying to friends oh no he really isn't all that bad, if you take the chance to get to know him he can be really sweet. But the truth of the matter is people don't change no matter how badly we want them to.