Don't Stop Believin'

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

An Ode to the Nutty Professor

The college professor. I have come to find them a strange breed of people in my recent excursion into the collegial world. Whether they be ridiculously old, impossible to understand or the dreaded harsh grader, college professor's have experienced a great deal of ridicule over the years. So I am taking the time rather to celebrate the college professor in all his or her awkward glory. To me a college professor is basically just a stand-up comedian without the microphone stand or bad polyestor suit. Think about it, they stand and talk in front of group of people hoping to generate an uproar of laughter and understanding during a "set" that usually ranges from thirty to 45 minutes. The ultimate goal of every college professor is to be seen as "cool" to a group of students who in most cases are 20, 30 or even 40 some years their minor. Often times, as a student, you find yourself giving the professor the courtesey laugh because you feel so uncomfortable in the silence after they told what you can only assume was a joke. There have been cases, however, where a professor has in fact been deemed funny and worthy of actual laughter but it is rare. So here's to you funny professor for making me laugh even at 9 something in the morning when I am my most vulnerable and hungover.


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