With no parents around to tell us what to do.
Adulthood. A scary place encompassed by the grim reality that your dreams may never come true and happiness is something you have to work at. When your a kid happiness just happens. Responsibility doesn't exist and you are always taken care of. However when you are 19 you are stuck. To be cliche, that Britney Spears girl got it right, you're not a girl, youthful and innocent, but you are not a woman either. On TV and in film they always glamorize this world of adulthood as the absence of those parents of yours, those parents always around telling you exactly what you can and cannot do. Unfortunately I am not that girl who shares a love/hatred with her mother (whom, mind you, she becomes more like with each passing day) or that girl who feels abandoned by her father and thus un-loved by the entire male society. Rather I am that girl who was loved deeply by her parents. And kind of wishes they were here telling her what to do, planning her affairs, thinking her thoughts for her. I know that I have to grow up sometime. And I do want to one day be that independent woman sexy woman, living on her own, working and surviving. Proving to myself that adulthood isn't all that bad. That my dreams could one day come true and I could always have that childish relationship with my parents no matter how old i get.
um, girl, i'm so with you on people planning out my life. Its honestly what i need. Maybe i'm lazy, maybe not, but it is so helpful! Miss you Love you!
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