Don't Stop Believin'

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dear Geoffrey the Giraffee...I would like to grow up now!

Don't get me wrong being a kid is great! Nap time, coloring books, always being sticky for no apparent reason! Being about six was the best 5 minutes of my life. Then you stop being a kid and you become awkard. You are almost legal yet the biggest news in your life is which party got busted or are susie and sam going out like facebook official? ahh i am offically 25 years old trapped in a barely legal body. Help get me out! All i want to do is work and discuss greys anatomy at the watering whole or whatever that working lingo is...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Greetings from MinneSNOWta

You know its seriously cold outside when the half empty apple juice you left in your car from breakfast this morning was still chilled after swimming at 6! It's science

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yet another thing i have in common with Beyonce...

Deja vu. Have you every had the same dream twice? Okay so yeah maybe i take dreams to seriously (sorry ms. muffin) but this one was different. I have had this re-occurring dream of the day before i am supposed to die. It takes place on a fancy boat and all of my family and friends are there. As each guest arrives i whisper to them that tomorrow I will die. Then i laugh. I laugh because its true? or do i just laugh because, well what else do you do when you know you are going to die?! The dream always ends with me setting my alarm clock for and going to bed (yes, i realize that it would be ridiculous to set your alarm clock for the day you are going to die, but come on it was a dream...) Then i instantly wake up. What does this mean? Am i one day going to know exactly when i am to die. I don't think i like that. i find comfort in the unknown. I like the feeling of curiosity and anxiety that come with sudden and unplanned death. But as the wise and beautiful Cinderella once said, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." Sorry cind i don't think that that applies to this situation...

Friday, October 13, 2006

what's in a name...

Okay so you know when someone comes up to you and says "oh you totally look like..., or you really remind me of..." well what are they really getting at when they say that are they simply talking about your looks or are you comparing the "entire package." I have recently been compared to the shy and innocent Alexis Bledel who plays Rori from Gilmore Girls, as well as, the gold digging alcoholic Megan Mullaly from Will & Grace. Now i am not necessarily the smartest person out there but i can tell that there is a significant difference between these two women. Yet i am supposable a combination of them both. How can that be? Can one woman possess traits of coy shyness and alduterated sexuality and aggression? Or is this really just about the decide.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So is there such thing as pre-carma...prarma if you will?

okay so remember how i hypothetically was just reconnected with an old "friend" view stalkerbook aka facebook. well it happened again. this time i really can't remember this person i mean yeah the time before i really couldn't but this time i guess we used to be like best friends when we were little ahh im freaking out i am trying to be poliet and play along but i know that this whole whoareyouagainbook thing is gonna come back and bite me in the (insert humerous body part here*)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

more like waithowdoiknowyoubook

Okay so most of you are aware of a little thing called facebook. but if you are not it is a little online network of students in either high school, college, graduate school, or alumni. It seemed like a great invention and a great way for people to keep in touch with old friends and when people go off in different directions in life. okay so thats great and all but then when you get a message saying that your good "friend" lets call her susie for identity purposes says that she misses you and she has pictures of you and remebers you when you were a kid but for the life of yourself you can't remember who she is and in fact have little or no connection in your mind to this person. what do you do in that situation? what is the appropriate thing to say to a "friend" who to you is about as foreign as the concept of microphisicology*? Do you just play along?...hypothetically
*microphisicology: defined as the small study of physicy science sort of stuff

Saturday, October 07, 2006

story of my life

the other day i got bit by a gerbil...did i deserve it? maybe. did it hurt? yes. asking my teacher if i could go to the nurse to get tested for rabies...priceless. okay so i realize i didnt exactly follow though whole master card format but you get the jist. luckily i am not currently foaming at the mouth...yet?!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I was ready to run...

okay so recently i have been getting rather anxious about homecoming. lets just say if it was a wedding my feet would be quite cold! i actually don't know if that saying "cold feet" only applies to weddings but oh well...anyways i just feel really awkward and out of place in my group i still don't have an itinerary and all in all i don't really want to go! that is until i saw the totally gnarl hair of a certain muffin i know...then all became right again! :)

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