Don't Stop Believin'

Friday, June 29, 2007

When you say nothing at all...

Okay so I'm no Jerry Seinfeld i wouldn't even consider myself a Kathy Griffin but i do like to make the occasional funny. I love to laugh and i love making people laugh even more. However for the 18 plus years i have known myself i have realized that some of my jokes tend to get rather stale and that i repeat old material to a lack luster and often annoyed audience.**you know who you are** So this post is more of a forewarning to my newer acquaintances, i may on the surface seem witty, charming and painstakingly funny however i am undoubtedly that girl who tells the same jokes over and over again so be cautious and realize that this hilarity will in fact wear off. That is all.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

These are a few of my least favorite things...

  • "Fake" people. I hate to be lied to, to be fooled and I hate it when people are untrue to themselves.
  • 37 hour long bus rides. (that's self explanatory)
  • Dreamgirls I'm not sure why, but i have a strong hatred for this academy award winning film.
  • Ignorance...and the south for that matter, but they really go hand in hand.
  • Seeing others take things for granted. Whether it is material possessions or good fortune or their state of happiness it seems to always be disregarded for something "better"
  • The outside crust of pop tarts
  • Being alone. Not necessarily in a literal sense because i can be in a room filled with people and still feel terribly alone.
  • Being told what to do.
  • People who are rude.
  • Jack Black...i just really don't think he's funny
  • Simply watching wonderful opportunities pass you by

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