Don't Stop Believin'

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year with love overflowing...

It's that time of year again. Time to welcome change with open arms and hope that the good life you have been dreaming of is finally going to kick in. It is a common new year's tradition to make a resolution, a simple change that takes you miles away from your comfort zone, but could potentially bring you new and wonderful self-fulfilment. These resolutions usually are the result of too much champagne or a slight jealousy of Dick Clark and his ability to out live everyone. ( I am pretty certain he is entirely made of wax) Often they are simple, lose weight, get a job, find a new apartment, ect. however, regardless of the origin of this resolution, the act of saying it out loud or writing it down on a paper napkin makes it official. Days, hours, or in some cases mere minutes after the admitting of the resolution you go through severe symptoms of denial, regret, embarssment, and fear. These usually end in the elimination of any sed resolution made. However, not this year. 2008 is the year of change. Do you ever notice it seems that everyone has those people in their lives who they hold onto desperately hoping that one day they will change, one day they will be a better person, one day they will love you, one day....but not today. For my resolution I would like to remove myself from all of these people. I have been hurt by many people in my life, people who i relied on, people i trusted, people i loved, and now have come to realize that you shouldnt spend time caring for those who don't care about you. It is both pointless and tiresome. Rather this new year I will exhaust my energy on those around me, those people I care so deeply about and those who make me feel tremendously loved. Happy new year all, I hope that this year brings you joy and prosperity.
**this blog was inspired by a song: My Dear Acquaintance (a happy new year) - Regina Spektor

Monday, December 10, 2007

Is this thing on?

The reason that I could never be a stand up comedian isn't because I would be too nervous to perform in front of so many people (one time in the third grade i reinacted jim carey's butt talk scene from Ace Ventura Pet Detective on the cafeteria lunch table) I have no problem humiliating myself in front of others. Rather my downfall in the comedic world is that my audience would not entirely consist of 2 year olds. I have been doing a lot of sitting on babies lately and found out that the toddler demographic is my best bet for laughs. They find constant enjoyment in every silly little thing I do. The other day the young girl I was looking after had a stuffed seal puppet and I decided to sing to her classic Seal hits well dancing along with the puppet on hand. Although this girl had no idea who Seal was she fell in love with this simple play on words. (I think that my terrible singing voice may also have encouraged the laughter but that is besides the point) Unfortunately though this has crushed my dream of ever pursuing a comedic career because in fact comedy club audiences are rarely occupied by 2 year olds. Shame.

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