Don't Stop Believin'

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Must see T.V.

Friendships, not those super close friendships but the ones on the side, you know the mashed potatoes of the friendship hierarchy, well anyways friendships are like must see t.v. It seems to me that you have to be totally aware of all the goings on in other peoples lives. Which is hard enough when you have a very complicated life of your own. So i was with my mashed potato's yesterday and i fell way out of the loop. I asked embarrassing questions about things that happened months ago. Seriously girl you have got to keep up so and so is now totally over so and so and whats-her-face isn't talking to him anymore...duh! So conclusively i have discovered i need a friendship tivo. A device that lets me record live interactions among my friends that i can watch on my own time, allowing me to be fully informed among such side dishes. However, with the busy schedule i run i may find myself mixing up the shows, you know susie did this no that was billy ahh or worst case scenario my friendship tivo malfunctions and i'm left to decode facebook messages and poking innuendos. AHH the stresses of must see t.v.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Marcia Marcia Marcia

Family. Don't get me wrong, my family is my greatest blessing, the most wonderful people i know, and the people that make life worth living. But all their lives come to a halt when the blessed first born son comes home. Clean the entire house, set out all of his awards and trophies from his alma mature, make sure everything is the expense of the so easily forgotten little sister. Yes, maybe i was using his room as storage while he was away, big deal?! It's not like he is ever around anyways. But no, when he comes home all of those "useless" things i had been storing in his room disappear. Heaven forbid i have anything to claim for my own. "Hey mom have you seen my good fabric? My new shoes? All of my photographic memories?"
"Oh no sorry sweetie we had to get rid of them to make room for your brother"
oh of coarse it slipped my mind that my brother was the size of an Indian elephant, my mistake. A thousand apologies oh great one! I will go fix you a nice ham sandwich, because well, that is my younger sisterly duties.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Damn you Dhali Lama

Why is it that whenever you look pretty "shitty" you know you don't have any make up on, you haven't showered in...days?! and you are just planning on running some quick errands, that you see everyone and there brother. Is it karma?! What did i do to have to see my gorgeous neighbor, my perfect church going acquaintance, and my family friend that God only knows what her name is but she sure remembers you! Ah frustration is the illusion of karma...maybe its just and deserved but maybe not?! Only time can tell.

Until then i showered and am dressed to the nines...just in case!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Silver Lining

Okay so i realize that there are a lot of problems that face this world. There is a general consensus of hatred that seems to be loathing around us. Instances of global warming, genocide, racial and other discrimination, things that generally "get people down" But here's the thing it is snowing outside, like serious white flakes of winter goodness so you can talk your politics until your blue in the face but nothing is wrong when the snow is falling...nothing!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Waiting Game

Why do we continue to work if we never see the fruits of our labor? Today my early action letter came from Northeastern University. They neither accept of deffer me...i just wait. It's funny it seems like that happens to me a lot. With boys they neither accept or deffer i just have to wait, wait until they are old enough, wait until i am old enough, wait until the timing is right, just wait. Well god forgive me Brahman, but I'm not sure i was cut out for this waiting game. Can't we just play some connect four?

Monday, December 11, 2006

It is always better to give then to receive

So recently i was given what is known scientifically as a firebelly toad. His name is Richard Parker and he is by far the meanest pet of all time ever. I have had to surrender the entire bathroom space to him because i am too frightened to move him. I have to address myself prior to every entrance to make sure my presence is welcome. He eats LIVE CRICKETS! *the caps lock is necessary because that's disgusting!* I remember when a pet was a loving, domesticated animal that the whole family could enjoy. But no Richard Parker is the Jeffrey Daulhmer of animals, just waiting for the perfect time to attack! ... oh crap i have to pee!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

They should put a warning lable on those

So a recent purchase at the That Girl household was the newest Extra gum flavor, Watermelon. A delicious blend of fruit flavor and natural mint taste. Not sounding appealing to you? What about its oddly thick texture and slightly slimy after taste? Well all i know is i continue to undoubtly swallow each piece exactly 5 seconds after putting it in my mouth. If thats not dangerous i dont know what is.

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