Wake up Bill Gates
So don't get me wrong i think that there have been tremendous advances in modern day technology. We can communicate without verbally saying a word in countless fashions and they have managed to remove all seeds from a once overzealous watermelon. But my request to the tech-geniuses of the world is to make real reality tv. The ability to have your characters from the small screen come to life and be more than just your thursday night must see to being your gal pal, your confidont, your real friend. I could go to Yale with Rori Gilmore, perform open heart surgery with my person Meredith Grey, and shop like it's a sport with my true amigos Rachel Green and Carrie Bradshaw. Okay sure maybe i watch too much T.V. or maybe i don't put enough effort into making real flesh and blood companions but I'm just saying in a world where a lightbulb can heat a brownie and cars parallel park themselves, this isn't too much to ask.