Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just For Fun

So this blog is a combination of complete boredem, lack of other blog-worthy experiences and the celebration of my 100th blog post. I would like to share with you my many irrational fears:
1. Birds-This fear has been with me for as long as I can remember and is my greatest fear overpowering everything that I do.
2. Revolving Doors-This fear is mainly on account of our complete lack of control over their actions.
3. Elevators- Similar to the revolving door fear, this is mainly just the result of man vs. machine
4. Micowaves-I am afraid that they have too much power. Nothing should get that hot that fast.
5. My Size Barbie- Self explainatory.
6. The Dark- This fear is simple...not being able to see is scary.
7. Kelly Clarkson-Now this isn't as much of a fear but more of a lack of is it possible that one person can sing that well? Scary.
So happy 100th blogaversary to me! Bring on the cake!


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