"I would like to order some perspective, medium rare."
So i realize that i am entirely new to this whole dating thing and i know for certain i have never been in love, but for some odd reason the idea of "love" is constantly on my brain. Some doctors believe that there is a chemical in the male brain that triggers thoughts of sex every six seconds(and by doctors i mean Otown...) I think that i have a similar chemical, one that triggers thoughts of love all throughout my body exactly every 6 seconds. Like clock work. How romantic! You might be thinking. Actually it is more like this excrusiating reminder of how alone i am and the fact that i do not have that special person in my life who loves me. I have not been loved. Now don't think im getting all emo on you, i know that i am loved by family and friends and i am terribly grateful for that. I have a wonderful family and great friends who i would do anything for. But this type of love that i am thinking about, this type of love that controls me, is unexplicable. It is driven by the idea that there is someone out there for me and i have just not met him yet. Where my frustration comes in is the question of...when? When do i get to meet this person and how many almosts do i have to endure, how many heartbreaks until i find someone to love me back? Because i don't know how many of these i can handle and i don't even have the experience to know if it is all worth it. I really wish i would have gotten the sex brain instead!
dearest nappy boy,
i had a similar thought process tonight and i would like to play with you very soon, not seeing you a couple times everday is driving me a little loco.
much love
pretty boy
um, ok. you beautiful, hilarious, kind, loving, and ridiculous. who wouldn't love that?? I mean, I do bang all the women in the office, but I'm going to be candid here. Maybe it's because its the holiday season and I'm feeling particularly kind. (out of character for Rich, no?) You will find someone. God will make it happen. He can't not. That would just be a travesty. So there. I'm done.
Heart, Rich
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