Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I wish i were 6 again

So, with a great start to my college life and a sudden grasp of my own sense of self, I have become an adult, I have become that grown-up, americano blend, stressed out, over-analizing person I always knew I would become. At first I was thrilled. Adulthood meant a plethora of new and exciting things! However only the prospect of adulthood is glamorous (great shoes, no parents around to tell you what to do, staying out all hours of the night!) The truth of the matter is that being an adult is not all that glamorous and comes with incredible amounts of responsibility. Responsibility rears its ugliest of heads in the form of self preservation. When you were a child almost everything was handed to you by your parent or guardian, everything came easily and you were taken care of. Now, as an adult, the care giving is simply self involved and this is scary. You see, as much as you want to be grown up, you desperately want to be taken care of by others. You find yourself envious of the the baby in the stroller or the toddler learning to ride his bike. You want so badly to feel their warmth and compassion wrapping itself around every move you make again. You want to go back in time and be 6 years-old again. I was fortunate enough to have the most amazing parents I could have ever asked for! They raised me in a house filled with love and peanut blossoms and told me that they would solve any and every problem that ailed me. That sure was a lot of me to ask of them. I'm almost certain I didn't ask polietly either. Unfortunately, it is now my turn to address the problems that surround me. For they are indeed my own. So I just want to take this chance to say thank you to my parents for carrying me this far and provided me with more than I could have even imagined. But now is the time to say goodbye to that mushroom haired, dewy eyed, 6 year-old girl I used to be and hello to my future and everything that I make of it. Without me to take care of, maybe my parents will finally get the chance to move to that golf resort in Pebble Beach and someday their only care in the world will be the choice between an iron or a wood.


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