Don't Stop Believin'

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Scientific Name: Obisetius Maximus

So here are so phrases that i have heard that exemplify why are nation is so ridiculouly obese:

  1. "Ma'm your total comes to $296.37 thank you for shopping Cub Foods"
  2. "ma'am would you like a second cart for your groceries?"
  3. "Hey i want to bring in my own chips and sour cream dip to go with our burritos at Chipotle"
  4. "It's cheaper if you just buy the entire stock pile box of ding-dongs"
  5. "Should we drive over to Chipotle?" (it was literally across the parking lot)

I am stricly embarrassed for the city of Edina, the state of Minnesota, and quite frankly our nation as a whole! Our children* are going to die of heart disease before they even hit puberty!

*that was a hypothetical reference to children don't you worry sirachi!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

To Whom it may Concern(the conclusion) aka-the last of this ridiculous boring emo blogs i swear!

For the first time in my life i can truthfully say that i know exactly how Alannis Moresett felt, you know that annoying song where she is whining and nake (that came out wrong sorry you know what i mean...) but i do. Alannis, I feel cold and i am ashamed metaphorically lying naked on the floor. i feel weak and vulnerable, able to break at the drop of a hat. But most of all i feel embarassed. i fell in love with a boy who was all wrong for me. he was unattainable, un(dis)respectful, and not unattached. everyone told me that i was out of my head, out of my league; but the truth is that i was livng not out of my head but inside my heart. i was blind. i was stupid. i was in love. so if that waqs love, real genuine feelings of love, than this is real heartbreak. i dont know that i will be able to fall in or especially fall out of love ever again. i can never give my whole heart, my all, myself entirely to anyone else because i feel like a lesser weaker person because of all of this. i was once an extremely romantic person, buying into every line from Moulin Rouge. "Love can conqure all obsticles, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love, blah blah blah" now i dont know that any of that is true i find myself questioning the concept of love entirely. Why do we fall in love if love will only tear us apart? why go through with it? why put yourself at that kind of risk? someday i hope that my McPerfect will come along and i will again want to risk everything, lose everything, at the hope of finding true love.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hey wait how did those girls get so lucky?

So you know those girls who whenever they enter a room the dynamic is instantly changed. They are followed by the enchanting sounds of repulse "Foxy Lady" or the Isle Brother's "who's that lady?" background music that seems to fall out of thin air. Boys flock to these girls by the heard and they are never lonely for more than a second. These girls have everything going for them yet they really don't seem too deserving. They don't care that every guy in the school wants the be with them, they actually find amusement in their pain. But whereas us average janes of the world fall short and are hidden behind these bombshells of beauty i wonder, how did those girls get so lucky? and will my luck ever change or am i just going to be handed the short end of the wishbone for the rest of my life? what's that? did i just hear some marvin gaye? no no it was merely my mistake. i'm still unlucky with the mcperfects of the world.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just unplug the printer the trees

I am not going to college. It's official. my good friend muffin has inspired me to run far far away from everything relating to college and all of its evils. all i have learned from this application process is that applying to college= more stress zits, angry mother, confused conselor, and an overwhelming feeling of "oh crap i don't know what i want to do with the rest of my life." the part that sucks the most is i used to. i used to see where i was headed i had a goal i had a life at one point but now all i have are serious hand blisters and a lack of a small patch of hair on the right side of my head. its over. no college for me. its even relieving to say it. i like it :)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Reality Check

You know you have been watching too much drama on tv, listening to too many heartfelt songs, and reading too many poetic books when you start thinking your life is a fairy tale. The truth is I do not live on wisteria lane, or work at Seattle Grace Hospital, I do not have a sepia toned love or a body like a wonderland...i am just me. Sometimes when you come face to face with reality you wonder why you enjoy those things in the first place, especially when you consider going on VH1's hit Flava of Love.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

To Whom it May Concern

I don't even know if you will read this or not but here's hoping:
"You've been alone, you've been afraid. I've been a fool, in so many ways. But I'de, I'de change my life. If you might try to love me. So please, give me another chance, to write you another song. Take back those things I've dont. Because I'de give you my heart. If you'de let me start all over again. I'm not a saint, I'm just a (man) who had the world in the palm of (his) hand. But i threw it away. So now I stand here today asking forgiveness and if you could...PLEASE give me another chance to write you another song and take back those things I've done, cause i'll give you my heart. If you would let me start all over again."
So please, just consider it.

Friday, September 22, 2006

What it's like to be peter pan's shadow

At first it wasn't so bad. We were unique people. We had our own idenities. It was quirky that we had so much in common: our looks, our behaviors, our got wierd when i noticed that i had been left behind. That she had become an idol and i was that old broken toy that you throw in the corner and never play with again (squeeky from Toy Story, the penguin) It was easy when we were the same, a set, plurals. It is hard when i am replaced by something new. It is hard when she has my name.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Why i am going to go bald...

Too many people rely on me for things i dont want to be relied on for. I can't take it anymore. Too many extracurriculars, too many 8th grade boys, too much stress. All i have to say is i better get into the college of my dreams after this!

Friday, September 15, 2006

It's a grizzly world Mr. Dahlki

So apparently i actually am learning something in school...lame right?! dont spread it around i have a reputation! anyways in my sociology class we studied social marginality or people living as outsiders in society you get a better sociological perspective on life. Now i am not trying to lable myself as an outsider but i have been very observant to society around me recently. I have noticed that in my photography class we have a wide range of individuals from varying social groups: the plastics, the jocks, the artsy's, the nerds, the punks, and well me i guess. Not to say that i dont belong in one of those groups but rather maybe i belong in them all. You see in this class the sterotypes for those groups disappear. The jocks are friends with the artsy who are friends with the plastics who are friends with the nerds who hang out with the punks who all get along with each other. It is a beautiful sight to see when one of the cutest boys in school, all american baseball player, is flirting with an interverted but beautiful artist. It gives a sense of hope to the world.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Everybody's working for the weekend...

t.g.i.f (well more of a pre g.i.f to be specific) can you believe it? second week of school is over its a milestone for a senior suffering from severe senioritus like myself! It is especially nice when in the first two weeks of school you find yourself skipping class to meander around outside, sit in your car, or tour the school anways i know that in these two weeks i have learn much and become much quicker on my feet. Eat my dust attendance policy, eat my dust!

Monday, September 11, 2006

You've got mail

So here's the deal remember in the last post how i claimed to be getting to old to be causing mayhem, breaking the law, you know living on the edge. Well apparently i was wrong. Time: 3:20 p.m. Location: Valley View Road Speed: an eledged 45 mph You add it up! oops...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sorry kids i guess im just getting too old for this

So you know you are too old to be tping(toliet papering for all those who didn't know and you know what if you didn't know im not sure i even want you reading my blog because than you really are waay too old anways...)when: you are too tired to go at 11:30 and all you can think about the whole way to the house is the sooner you get done the sooner you can go to bed! What started out as your new sexy raspy voice turns into a painful sore throat making simple phrases hard to get out, but last but not least when you try to impress the younger girls in the car by speedily "sticking it in reverse" to "dodge the popo's" you run into a curb at a speed that would turn any parents hair grey leaving the pacif's tires worn out and stenching of burnt rubber. So i am sorry kids if i didn't cause enough mayhem or talk my way out of any tickets i promise next time i will run through the stop sign, well pause i mean lets not get too crazy!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

You don't know what you've got until it's gone

September 5th-the day when the fun DIED
a.k.a the first day of school. So i was one of those lame kids who pretended like she wasn't excited for school, new classes, new building, new teachers OH MY! But when i got there it didn't really live up to this candy coated sugar land like I expected it to. Although some of the school was nice, some friendly faces were seen and a delicious ice cream treat was eaten for free. The majority of the day was oozing with the stench of reality. This is what all of my days are going to be like for the next 9 months! No more sleeping late. No more days of doing absolutely nothing. No more movie marathons and eating whenever you want. Those beautiful days are over baby kiss them goodbye because homework filled nights and torturous 6 hour school days lye ahead. So I am sorry sweet summer because it seems you and I have parted too soon and that I did not cheerish you when you were here. Hopefully surving through tomorrow...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Critics Corner

Okay so last night there was the always annual movie debate. What to watch what to watch...What about Goodnight and Goodluck? I really want to see that movie it looks so good. It is great and has a wonderful political message. Yeah i love movies like that. Like Hotel Riwanda it was soo horrifically beautiful and real. New Colleen chiming in to add her too sense. Yeah those movies are great you know like Saw. Exactly.

Friday, September 01, 2006

EBA meetings at 6

Okay so i was a little uncertain about this whole blogging world when i first got into it. I was very self conscious of where my blog needed to go. If i had to be funny or if it all had to be serious and meaningful. If people would like it or actually read it. But as i have grown into my new blogging skin i cant help be exclaim my LOVE for blogs. I post almost everyday, i read them ALL the time... i cant get enough of this stuff! It is an interesting concept that i am not sure i even agree with, telling mostly complete strangers about the goings on in your day to day life rather than face to face communication but yet I love it! I think that i may love it too much though so i have decided to create a group of excessive bloggers anonymous, for all of you out there who are struggling with this blogging obsession. Meetings will be at my house on thursday nights at 6 with baked goods and refreshments and will be followed by the drama filled world of Grey's Anatomy. See you there!

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