Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We're not all penis-hating lesbians

Greetings from Chicago, IL a.k.a my new place of residence for the prospective future. I am slightly uncomfortable and out of my eliment yet suprisingly loving every minute of it. I am taking this class described as Chicago Women's Activism which in a nut shell is the greatest thing ever! We learn about everything from the pioneers of the Women's movement to interactive and proactive ways to create change in today's society. My past encounters include visiting the historical Jane Adams Hull House Musuem and participating in a silent peace protest in the heart of the city. It has been a ride that i hope will never end and an experience that will prepare me greatly for all the changes to come. While protesting today i stood silently and solemnly on the corner of State and Clark aimlessly displaying my political views in one simple word...PEACE. I fell witness to a cornecopia of reactions ranging from excitment and cheers to complete silence or avoidance as well as vocal harassment disregarding everything that we stand for. I was approached twice by men who felt that this little act of silence was uncontrollably loud. The men voiced there own opinions in statements such as "The only way we will reach real peace is if all the Iraqi's are dead." as well as "What are you doing here? If you really wanted peace you would go over to Iraq yourself and bring the troops home. That's peace." I have never felt more vulnerable, I just stood there, silent, motionless, as if to say your words have managed to make the silence of this protest even greater. It had never occured to me that this one word could stand for so much. That the simple act of peace could inspire an overwhelming amount of hate. Peace can be defined as the freedom from or the cessation of war or violence, so why does it seem that in the option of war and peace the easy way out isn't the best. Why is it that war is the answer to a the question before it is even asked? Why won't anyone just give peace a chance? I feel that in todays society to be peaceful and believe in the prospect of a one day peaceful world is to be naive, ignorant or immature. How is it that it is most realistic to to cause problems rather than solve them. In this class I have already learned that to be an advocate you have to take action. Without action, without passion there will be no changes. We cannon simply just wait on the world to change, rather we have to change it ourselves...or atleast give it our best shot.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pretty Little Mistakes

This lovely book above me has been my summer read. It is a wonderful fictional do over novel that takes you around the world as you vicariously experience everything from a plane crash, to an abortion, to a cult gathering intervention. It is a wonderful read and i suggest it to the entire blogging world, however, it has given me a very false sense of reality. That is to say in life, not in fiction, you are not given second chances or do-overs, you make your decision and suffer the consequences. In the novel many times the consequences are severe, they are outlandish and cruel, yet luckily you have ever right not to settle and try again. Not in the real world! I am about to leave on the the biggest journey of my life and now as i start the packing process and finish up any last minute shopping i have began to question every decision i have ever made! What if i did it all wrong? What if somewhere i should have gone left instead of right and the fate of the rest of my life is depending on it? I am no longer sure what i want to do with my life, who i am going to be, questions that at one point seemed to be answered. However in this intense state of panic i have realized that this life of mine, all those decisions, all those consequences, cannot be controlled. I just have to wait. This is my own novel and i don't have the privilege to read the last page and find out how it ends...i just have to wait! I don't know if i am okay with that. I'm scared. I'm scared of what is or what may not be to come. I really should have just read Harry Potter like everyone else!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Before We Say Goodbye

As the threat of the rest of my life approaches (5 days and counting...) i realize that it may be time to come to terms with the last 18 years and address that the best is yet to come. The air is getting colder, the leaves are starting to change, and with all the preparations there's no denying the presence of fall. Last night i spent laughing and crying with one of my newest yet dearest friends the lovely katzenburger. We realized that since we could make this true real friendship work in only a few months and not want to rip each others faces off, that this was gonna last. Like really last. I am very anxious, nervous and sick to my stomach for the changes that are to come, luckily i have my friend katz who i know will always be there when i need a shoulder to cry on, someone to tell me i have food in my teeth or just someone to waste 4 hours with. I love you katz, don't ever change and know that no matter what i will always be right there with you in every step you take.

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