Walk This Way
Being a college student entails many new responsibilities including the ability to walk the equivalent of the great wall of china every single day. Do I exagerate excessively? Yes. But all this walking has inspired me with several different walking techniques, walking personas rather. My favorites include The Foxy Lady- this walk is the love child of a stellar outfit and overt confidence. It is my ulterego, that girl that i really wish i could be. It's not so much of a walk but rather a strut, a runway-esque stomp down the streets, up the stairs or wherever my high heels take me. Next is the Badass Motha Fucka-this walking persona developes from the sounds of kanYeWest blairing in my ears and the "don't mess with me" attitude plastered on my face. It is, in a word, badass. This last walk of mine i hold near and dear to my heart-The Minnesoooohta Nice walk. Being born and raised in the most loveable state in the continental U.S. I have developed a naive sense of trust and love for everyone around me. I walk with a big grin on my face a friendly reminder to everyone i meet that love actually is all around us, if you really look. These three walks, although terribly fun to portray and wonderful in their variety, have one distinct flaw....the fall factor. I am not the "luckiest" person in the world and i am prone to falling. If i trip well embodying one of these personas all the confidence and cool factor of the look is lost. I cannot even salvage myself with a spontaneous jog (or is it yog with a soft "j"?) attempt or dramatic role play of "forget about me, ill be fine, go on yourself...it was just too much pebble." No if falling occurs while walking i am overwhelmed with feelings of embarassment and reality, i am thrusted back into the world of that girl where i am just a student, walking to class, trying to find a place that feels like home.
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