I have weak ankles...
Okay so a few weeks ago I fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle. It wasn't exactly my proudest moment, in fact, i really just wanted to forget about it and walk off the pain. My ankle swelled up to the size of a cantaloupe. I was only mildly worried; mainly i was plotting up a better sob story for why my ankle looked this way. (I was saving a dying cat from a tree, i was a stunt double in the batman movie, its an optical illusion) I walked the pain off for the most part and the swelling gradually went down. However there is this gnawing pain every so often when I sit on it funny. I feel that this pain acts as symbol for my embarassment from society. Why is it that I would rather succumb to this pain than face the reality of my clumsiness? As a new student, in a new city, meeting new people everyday I feel like I am on the longest job interview ever, except I don't have the luxury of taking my heels off in between sessions or the prospect of company paid health benefits. Rather these interviews are for relationships. I am selling myself to those around me so that they may be interested in hiring me as their new friend. This job is stressful. You need to make note of your best qualities, address your fundamental quirks and mannerisms, and give the listner a unique sense of your individuality in approximately 30 seconds. This process is tiresome. Often times you are rejected and this new found frienship fizzles to mere niceties or worse, a simple head nod. You may ask yourself is it really worthwhile to put yourself through this torture just to impress others? Yes. Because, in the rare but extraodinary occasion that you nail this interview you have found yourself a true friend, someone who accepts you for all that you are and realizes that it took great courage simply to introduce yourself. So yes I am embarassed about falling down the stairs and potentially doing serious damage to my ankle, but unfortunately, for better or for worse, that clumsy girl who snorts when she laughs and sings in the shower is me, and I am okay with that...So did I get the job?
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